Coldwell Banker Res Brokerage
Christine Curry-Smith, Coldwell Banker Res BrokeragePhone: (203) 952-8405
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Maintenance

Posted on 06/20/2022
Entryways: Which Material Is Best for You?
Conducting due diligence on the right entryway door material typically leads everyday people down a path filled with online marketing. Manufacturers often prefer to tout the top reasons wood, fiberglass and steel doors provide the “best” option for homeowners. And while much of what door-makers explain about their products may be true, homeowners are tasked with selecting a...
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Posted on 06/01/2020
The Importance of Roof Maintenance
Image by Mario Ohibsky from Pixabay Whether you’re getting your home ready to sell or just getting settled into a new one, making sure your roof is in excellent condition is important. Your roof helps keep the inside of your home safe from water and other types of damage. Roofs can endure wear and tear over time or...
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